Friday, October 26, 2012

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Retro Blog: 2009 cupcakes

Jonny's Filthy Whore Bear Cupcakes

Yeah, look at those filthy whore bears with their bright colors and their secular blue
glitter. Have they no shame? The big man's watching you whore bears. That's right the
big guy in the sky. The plump one with the long beard that sees and knows everything
you do...

...Santa Claus.

Jonny's German Chocolate Cupcakes with Triple Chocolate Fudge
Chip Frosting Sprinkled with Cow Sprinkles and Topped with a
Speckled Malted Milk Egg Cupcakes 

or for short
 Jonny's German Chocolate Fudge Cow Dinosaur Egg Mountain 
Also known as
Ridiculsly Overly Decorated Cupcakes

Disclaimer: These Cupcakes may or may not be good. Do not attempt to
consume cupcake through nose. No dinosaurs were harmed in the making
of these cupcakes though a few cows were.